2024 Bogleheads Conference
September 27-29, 2024 | Minneapolis, MN
The John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy had their 2024 conference at the Hyatt Regency Minneapolis in downtown Minneapolis.
The first day was dedicated to Bogleheads University. There were two tracks: “Bogleheads 101” for investing fundamentals and “Bogleheads 501,” which covered advanced topics.
There was a special Bogleheads Banquet on Saturday evening, September 28. The banquet featured a seated dinner, a speaker presentation and Q&A, and the 2024 inductee into the Bogleheads Hall of Fame.
You can now view the recordings of the presentations on September 28th and 29th from the action-packed agenda at the button below. In addition, you can access the Bogleheads University presentations from September 27th here.
2023 Conference
October 13-15, 2023 | Rockville, MD
The John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy had their 2023 conference at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Rockville, Maryland - just outside of Washington, DC. The conference kicked off at 1 p.m. on Friday, October 13 and wrapped up at 12 p.m. on Sunday, October 15.
You can now view the recordings of the presentations on October 14th and 15th from the action-packed agenda at the button below. In addition, you can access the Bogleheads University presentations from October 13th here.

2022 Conference
October 12-14, 2022 | Chicago, IL
After a three-year hiatus during the Covid-19 pandemic, nearly 400 Bogleheads descended on the Chicago area in October 2022. The goals of the conference, as always, were learning and the opportunity to socialize with like-minded individuals.
Conference attendees heard from thought leaders in investing and financial planning, including the following keynote speakers:
- Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary
- Author and Princeton professor Dr. Burton Malkiel
- Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Zweig
- Eric Balchunas, a Bloomberg columnist and author of The Bogle Effect
The conference also featured several firsts for a Bogleheads conference.
- Bogleheads University, an afternoon of education to kick off the conference, led by Dr. Jim Dahle, founder of The White Coat Investor website
- Two conference tracks—one for retirees/pre-retirees and one for people who are still accumulating assets for retirement
- The introduction of the Bogleheads Hall of Fame, with Taylor Larimore as its first inductee

2019 Conference
October 16 - October 18, 2019 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2019 Conference began on Wednesday afternoon October 16 with check-in followed by a wine and cheese reception.
After breakfast on Thursday morning, memories of Jack Bogle were expressed, followed by a Q&A session with the Panel of Experts. The expert panel consisted of authors Christine Benz, Dr. Bill Bernstein, Jonathan Clements, Bogleheads Queen Laura Dogu, Rick Ferri, Mel Lindauer, and Allan Roth. After lunch, there was a book signing session, accompanied by personal discussions with the various authors and experts in attendance. During the book signing session there were breakout sessions with author and financial advisor, Allan Roth, CFP, CPA, MBA, as well as an ongoing wiki demonstration. Thursday evening, conference attendees visited Vanguard.
After breakfast on Friday, Gus Sauter gave his presentation, "Growing Vanguard". A second Q&A session with the Panel of Experts concluded the conference.

2018 Conference
October 3 - October 5, 2018 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2018 Conference began on Wednesday afternoon October 3 with check-in followed by a wine and cheese reception.
After a Thursday morning breakfast, John Bogle presented his keynote address, "Bogleheads XVII!: Stay the Course". Following his presentation, Bogle was joined by Dr. Bill Bernstein for a 'fireside chat'. The Q&A session with the Panel of Experts followed. The panel members: authors Christine Benz, Dr. Bill Bernstein, Jonathan Clements, Rick Ferri, Allan Roth, and Jason Zweig.
After lunch, attendees had book signings (Jack Bogle was unable to attend). Simultaneous to the book signing was a breakout session by Rick Ferri and an ongoing wiki demonstration. A visit to Vanguard on Thursday evening concluded the day's events.
On Friday, Gus Sauter presented "The Endowment Model". A Q&A session with Jack Bogle followed. The conference ended with concluding remarks by Mel Lindauer.

2017 Conference
October 18 - October 20, 2017 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2017 Conference began on Wednesday afternoon October 19 with check-in followed by a wine and cheese reception. After a Thursday morning breakfast, John Bogle presented his keynote address, "Bogleheads XVI!". Following his presentation, Bogle was joined by Dr. Bill Bernstein for a 'fireside chat'. The Q&A session with the Panel of Experts followed. The panel members: authors Christine Benz, Dr. Bill Bernstein, Jonathan Clements, Mel Lindauer, Dr. Wade Pfau, Mike Piper, and Allan Roth.
After lunch, attendees had book signings. Simultaneous to the book signing was a breakout session examining annuities and an ongoing wiki demonstration. A visit to Vanguard on Thursday evening concluded the day's events.
Friday's events included a presentation, "Understanding Active Investing", from Gus Sauter, the former Chief Investment Officer at Vanguard, followed by an extensive Q&A session with Jack Bogle.

2016 Conference
September 28 - September 30, 2016 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2016 Conference began on Wednesday September 28 with check-in followed by a wine and cheese reception in the afternoon. On Thursday morning, after breakfast, John Bogle delivered a keynote address, "The Undisputed Champion of the Long Run", followed by an extended Q&A session. After lunch came a book signing session, with a simultaneous breakout session on taxes and investing, as well as an ongoing wiki demonstration. The day concluded with an evening visit to Vanguard consisting of panel discussions and an open question-and-answer session with Vanguard investment experts.
After breakfast on Friday, Gus Sauter gave a presentation, "What really is smart ?", and the event concluded with Q&A sessions with the Panel of Experts. Panel members included authors Christine Benz, Dr. Bill Bernstein, Laura Dogu, Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, Mike Piper, and Allan Roth.

2015 Conference
October 15 - October 17, 2015 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2015 Conference began on Wednesday October 15 with check-in followed by a wine and cheese reception in the afternoon. After breakfast on Thursday morning, John Bogle delivered his keynote address, "As My 65th Anniversary and 87th Birthday Approach, Still an Active Life", This was followed by a "fireside chat" with Dr. Bill Bernstein, and an extended Q&A session with John Bogle. After lunch came book signings and a simultaneous breakout session, as well as an ongoing wiki demonstration. The day culminated with an evening visit to Vanguard.
On Friday, Gus Sauter gave a presentation,"Expected equity returns", and then joined authors Christine Benz, Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Mel Lindauer, Mike Piper, and Allan Roth on the Experts Panel for a Q&A session.

2014 Conference
October 22 - October 24, 2014 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2014 Conference began with check-in followed by an afternoon wine and cheese reception on Wednesday October 22. After breakfast on Thursday morning, John Bogle presented a keynote address, “Human Beings and Algorithms" as Vanguard’s 41st Year Begins, followed by a "fireside chat" with Dr. Bill Bernstein and an extended Q&A session with Mr. Bogle. After lunch, a book signing session took place,along with a simultaneous breakout session on Boglehead Local Chapters and an ongoing wiki demonstration. The day concluded with an evening visit to Vanguard.
After breakfast on Friday, Gus Sauter, the former Chief Investment Office at Vanguard, gave a presentation on the evolution of indexing and than joined authors Christine Benz, Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Mel Lindauer, Mike Piper, Allan Roth, and Laura Dogu as panel members in the Q&A with the Experts.

2013 Conference
October 16 - October 18, 2013 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2013 Conference began on October 16 with check-in followed by a wine and cheese reception with John Bogle on Wednesday afternoon. After breakfast on Thursday morning, Mr. Bogle gave his keynote presentation and was joined by Dr. Bill Bernstein for a "fireside chat". This was followed by an extended Q&A session. After lunch, there was a book signing session. Duke professor, Ed Tower distributed an update on his paper introduced at the 2012 conference. An evening visit to Vanguard capped the day's proceedings.
On Friday, Gus Sauter, the recently-retired Chief Investment Officer of Vanguard, joined authors Christine Benz, Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Mel Lindauer, Mike Piper, Allan Roth, Bill Schultheis, Laura Dogu on the Panel of Experts for a Q&A session.

2012 Conference
October 17 - October 19, 2012 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2012 Conference began on Wednesday October 17 with registration and a wine and cheese reception with John Bogle in the afternoon. After breakfast on Thursday morning, John Bogle and Dr. Bill Bernstein had a "fireside chat", followed by a Bogle presentation, "Bogle Meets the Bogleheads— The Rouser Meets the Rabble". Next came an extended Q&A session with John Bogle. After lunch, there was a book signing session. Duke professor Ed Tower presented a paper on Vanguard performance. The evening was capped by a visit to Vanguard, where conference attendees had a Q&A session with senior Vanguard staff.
Friday after breakfast, the conference received a presentation from Vanguard chief economist, Joseph Davis, and concluded with a Q&A session with the Panel of Experts: authors Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Bill Schultheis, Allan Roth, Christine Benz, Mel Lindauer and Laura Dogu.

2011 Conference
October 12 - October 14, 2011 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2011 Conference started on Wednesday October 12 with registration and an afternoon wine and cheese reception with John Bogle. After breakfast on Thursday morning, the day's events began with presentations by Duke professor Ed Tower, who presented a new paper, “Reflections on Jack Bogle’s First Mutual Fund,” and John Bogle, "Bogle Welcomes the Bogleheads Again... at X!", followed by an extended Q&A session with Mr. Bogle. After lunch, the day continued with book signings. An evening visit to Vanguard concluded Thursday's proceedings. The main feature of the visit was a panel discussion among Vanguard senior staff.
On Friday after breakfast, the conference concluded with a "fireside chat" with John Bogle and Dr. Bill Bernstein, followed by a Q&A session with the Panel of Experts: authors Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Bill Schultheis, Allan Roth, Mel Lindauer and Laura Dogu.

2010 Conference
October 13 - October 15, 2010 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2010 Conference, and all subsequent Philadelphia conferences, are set in Philadelphia. The 2010 Convention began on Wednesday October 13 with an afternoon wine and cheese reception with John Bogle. After breakfast on Thursday morning, John Bogle presented a keynote address, "Bogle Welcomes the Bogleheads", followed by an extended Q&A session. Bogle and Dr. Bill Bernstein then had a "fireside chat". After lunch, there was a book signing session. The evening was filled with a visit to Vanguard, where conference attendees had a Q&A session with Vanguard senior staff.
Friday concluded with a Q&A session with the Panel of Experts: authors Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Bill Schultheis, Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer and Laura Dogu, along with Professor Ed Tower of Duke University’s Economics Department.
At this conference, John Bogle authorized the set up of a non-profit organization to expand and carry on his work. The culmination of this effort was the establishment of The John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy.

2009 Conference
September 30 - October 2, 2009 | Fort Worth, TX
Illness and hospitalization forced John Bogle to miss the 2009 Fort Worth conference, hosted with the help of members of the Dallas/Fort Worth Bogleheads® local chapter. The conference began on Wednesday, September 30 with an afternoon wine and cheese reception, where a letter from Mr. Bogle was read. After breakfast on Thursday morning, a call was made to Mr. Bogle. Afterward, Bogle's assistant, Kevin Laughlin made a brief presentation on the tenth anniversary of the publication of Bogle's book, Common Sense on Mutual Funds. This was followed by a presentation from Dr. Bill Bernstein centered on bond performance during the 2008 -2009 financial crisis. After lunch there was a book signing session.
On Friday, after breakfast, Duke economics professor Ed Tower presented a paper, Vanguard versus DFA & WisdomTree, and the Value Added by Dan Wiener. After the presentation, Dr. Tower joined Morningstar's Sue Stevens and authors Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer and Laura Dogu on a Panel of Experts for a Q&A session.

2008 Conference
September 22-24, 2008 | San Diego, CA
The 2008 Conference was hosted with the help of members from the San Diego Bogleheads® local chapter. The conference began on Monday September 22 with an afternoon wine and cheese reception. On Tuesday morning John Bogle delivered his presentation. He discussed the economy and markets, Vanguard, some personal reflections, and his most recent book, Enough. A Q&A session occurred after the presentation. A "fireside chat" between Mr. Bogle and Dr. Bill Bernstein followed the Q&A. After lunch there was a book signing session. The evening was filled with a banquet dinner.
Wednesday morning concluded the conference with a Q&A session with a Panel of Experts. The panel included authors Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Taylor Larimore, Michael LeBoeuf, Mel Lindauer, Laura Dogu and Bill Schultheis. The authors were joined by Morningstar's Sue Stevens and Professor Ed Tower of Duke University.

2007 Conference
June 10-12, 2007 | Alexandria, VA
The 2007 Conference was hosted with the help of members from the DC Bogleheads® local chapter. The conference started with a wine and cheese reception on the afternoon of June 10. The following morning John Bogle made an opening presentation and discussed asset allocation, international investments and Vanguard. A Q&A session with Mr. Bogle ensued. A book signing session filled up the remainder of the afternoon. The evening concluded with a "fireside chat" session with Mr. Bogle and Dr. Bill Bernstein and an evening dinner.
The conference concluded on Tuesday morning with a Q&A session with a panel that included authors Bill Bernstein, Rick Ferri, Michael LeBoeuf, Mel Lindauer, Taylor Larimore, and Laura Dogu. The panel was also included Morningstar's Sue Stevens and Duke economics professor Ed Tower.

2006 Conference
May 15-16, 2006 22-24, 2014 | Las Vegas, NV
The 2006 Conference took place as part of the Las Vegas Money Show, where John Bogle was scheduled to speak. Day one of the conference began on May 15 with a check in shortly after noon. After the opening Money Show ceremonies, John Bogle delivered his address, "What’s Ahead for Stocks and Bonds—And How to Earn Your Fair Share". The day concluded with an evening banquet.
The second day of the conference began with a morning book signing session, followed by a Q&A session with Mr. Bogle. The conference concluded with a Q&A with a panel consisting of authors Rick Ferri, Michael LeBoeuf, Mel Lindauer, and Bill Schultheis.

2004 Conference
May 8-10, 2004 | Denver, CO
The 2004 Conference took place at the AIMR Group conference in Denver Colorado, where John Bogle was scheduled to make a speech. The conference began with a Sunday evening check-in. Monday morning, Mr. Bogle addressed the AIMR Group with his speech, Creating Sound Governance: The Shareholder’s Perspective, wherein he discussed corporate governance. After lunch there was a book signing session and a Q&A session with a panel that included Mr. Bogle, Dr. Bill Bernstein, and Rick Ferri. In the evening a banquet dinner concluded the conference.

2002 Conference
June 25-27, 2002 | Chicago, IL
The 2002 Conference was hosted by Morningstar and coincided with the annual Morningstar conference, where John Bogle was slated to speak. The first day reception was prolonged by inclement weather, but was leavened by Mr. Bogle's presence and his hour-long impromptu Q&A session with arriving guests.
Day two of the conference began with Mr. Bogle's address, The Telltale Chart. After a brief interlude with the media, the conference continued with a panel discussion and Q&A with John Bogle, Dr. Bill Bernstein, Larry Swedroe, and Don Phillips, one of Morningstar's managing directors. After the panel discussion, there was a book signing session. The day concluded with an evening banquet.
On day three Morningstar CEO Joe Mansueto and Morningstar staff led attendees on a tour of Morningstar facilities. The tour was capped off by a luncheon at the Morningstar lunch room, an outdoor patio overlooking downtown Chicago.

2001 Conference
June 8-10, 2001 | Philadelphia, PA
The 2001 Diehards meeting was hosted by the Kirtland family on the Kirtland family farm in southeast Pennsylvania. After check-in on Friday, June 8, attendees gathered for an evening dinner where special guest, financial columnist Jason Zweig gave a presentation and answered questions. On Saturday morning, John Bogle and staff provided attendees with a guided tour of Vanguard facilities, along with a Q&A session with Mr. Bogle. The meeting was capped off by a picnic barbeque luncheon on the Kirtland farm.

2000 Conference
March 10-11, 2020 | Miami, FL
The initial meeting between John Bogle and members of the Morningstar Diehards forum occurred on March 10, 2000 while Mr. Bogle was in Miami, Florida as the scheduled keynote speaker at the Miami Herald’s Making Money Seminar. Mr. Bogle joined twenty forum members for an evening Florida dinner hosted by future author Taylor Larimore and wife at the Larimore's condo residence in Miami.
On March 11, Mr. Bogle delivered his keynote speech at the money show.

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