Establishing the Center

Post on: February 8, 2012 by Mel Lindauer
Mel Lindauer,
(2010 – 2019)

Establishing The John C. Bogle Center for Financial Literacy was a long work-in-progress. Jack Bogle actually authorized us to undertake this endeavor in October of 2010. Thanks to a generous Texas attorney who donated his time, we were incorporated as a non-profit Texas Corporation on November 22, 2010 with all of the accompanying legal Resolutions and Corporate By-Laws in place.

The next two years were spent  attempting to get the Bogleheads name trademarked and gaining 501(c)(3) charitable approval from the IRS.  After several review rounds, we finally got the approval on February 6, 2012. So it’s been a long and sometimes frustrating road to get  established, but we persevered and finally made it.

Vanguard very generously gave our organization and its small bank account Flagship Status, so we  have a Prime Money Market account where donation checks can be deposited.

About the author 

Mel Lindauer columnist. forum leader. Co-author "The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing" and "The Bogleheads' Guide to Retirement Planning".


Bogleheads trademark, History

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